
Welcome to Quoddy Link's Bird Blog! A place to report the many bird species sighted while aboard the Quoddy Link. Sightings are recorded by the skilled interpreters aboard the Quoddy link's whale watching catamaran that frequents the areas around Campobello Island, Deer Island and Grand Manan. For more information about our company, or to make a reservation on one of our trips please visit our main site at www.quoddylinkmarine.com. If you have any comments our questions, or would like to add your own sighting please respond by adding a comment in the comments section below each post or email nickjameshawkins@gmail.com. Thanks and enjoy!

Monday, July 8, 2013

A quick update

Everyday brings some new and interesting bird sightings out on the Quoddy Link, I thought i'd do a quick post to share some from the last few days...

July 7th - On the morning trip we had good looks at an adult POMARINE JAEGER that was chasing a couple of terns, I was so focused on the jaeger that I didn't get an ID on the two terns. The bird was sighted just north of Whitehorse island and was striking with a very long tail. No photos... guess I need to start having my camera at the ready...

Afterwards we visited Whitehorse island, it was high tide and I was able to see well into the kittiwake nests for the first time since the chicks hatched.  To my surprise I saw a number of nests with two chicks in them. Looks like they are having a good year and I will be following the young birds closely as they grow. See below for photos!

On the evening tour of July 7th I spotted a large tern flying past Green's Point lighthouse, at first we were fairly close to it and I was able to ID it as a CASPIAN TERN, a new species for the Quoddy Link! By the time I got my camera out the bird was fairly distant but I managed to get a couple photos you can see below.

Also of interest on the 7th was a PEREGRINE FALCON that was hunting over the town of St. Andrews. I watched the bird flush several pigeons which narrowly escaped the birds talons.

July 8th - A immature RED-TAILED HAWK was spotted soaring over Wilson's Beach, on Campobello Island.

Kittiwake with chick

Two nests with two kittiwake chicks in each

Kittiwakes with chicks

Caspian tern

Eider duck chick

Eider duck chicks with mother

Immature common loon

Immature Red-Tailed Hawk

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